Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Trumpservations of the day, 9/27/16

1. The sniffling, snorting, and bloviating of the "self-made" emperor of self-serving ignorance bores the other half of America awake. Now we are almost united.

2. The man is ejaculating all over everyone and everything, and he's questioning her stamina?

3. Riddle: If, as Kierkegaard suggests, the "truth" is subjective, one of last night's two subjects is a steaming pile of excrement and that's the truth. [Hint: It's the one with tentacles growing out of his face.]

4. Stop being ridiculous. Trump didn't snort cocaine. That's just way too silly. No, he was too busy snorting lines of his own dehydrated powdered bullshit to make time for healthier stuff... like cocaine.

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