Sunday, September 11, 2016

Lex Trump and Donald Luthor

It's 3:45 a.m., I'm rereading Loeb and Sale's SUPERMAN FOR ALL SEASONS because I'm teaching it on Monday (Yup!), and I can't help but draw the parallels between Donald Trump and Lex Luthor. It's uncanny. Note how they use their names as their brands. Note how they are bent on molding their hometowns (NYC and Metropolis) in their gaudy visions. Note their hair issues. Note how they are both obsessively driven by their anti-alien beliefs. Gosh, the similarities go on and on... In the comic book world, Lex won the presidency back in 2001. In our world... Life imitating comic books? President Luthor's maniacal designs nearly ended the planet.

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