Friday, September 30, 2016

Trumpservations, 9/30/16

1. You know how the “good” pain of a killer workout causes pleasure? Do you think that's why people are voting for Trump? The burning sensation, the lactic acid build up, the spike in anandamide, the surge of adrenaline, and then that warm, fuzzy feeling of being high. You know what comes next, right? Exhaustion and “bad” pain… and, if you’re out-of-shape and ill-equipped, a massive heart attack.

2. My students and I are studying Alan Moore's Watchmen. Today, we slightly digressed (which happens a lot) and, somehow, connected the politics in the graphic novel to what's happening now. A young woman (and I've come across many young women who are reluctant to support Clinton) said, "I just don't like her"; and a young man responded with, "But would you give Trump the keys to your car?" She, "Yes!" He, "But he doesn't know how to drive!"

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