Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Depth of Trump's Constitution

When Trump tried to read the U. S. Constitution, this is what he read and this is how far he got:

Me the Person of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Coif, establish Judgment, insecure domestic Relationships, provide for the common offense, promote the general Disadvantage, and secure the Blessings of Vanity to myself and my Prosperity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the…

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Bonda Ma Jacques, More and Less

Pepper Post: Ate the Bonda Ma Jacques two nights ago and it was easily one of the 10 tastiest chili peppers I've ever had. Smells spicier than it is (that pungent mix of grass, blood, grapefruit, and honey), very sweet (like the best yellow bell pepper right off the plant), and a kick that stays in the front of your mouth... briefly -- doesn't swarm the senses; just highlights. Being my first real experience of the season with a fresh "superhot," I had the customary panic, carefully tasted a slice, hastily moved to a glass of Switchback Brown Ale out of fear... but Jacques only enhanced the flavor of everything. This is the pepper you want to start with if you have the "mad-chili-bug"... if you can find it. Alas, I have a plantful. See:

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Personal Treasoning

Just combed through Jill Stein's "Power to the People Plan." I more than agree with every single one of her positions, every single word. From her "Green New Deal" to her demand for "Racial Justice Now" to her "Expand women’s rights, protect LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination, defend indigenous rights and lands, and create a welcoming path to citizenship for immigrants," I agree... And I'm voting for Hillary so that someone like Jill can be president some day -- someone I wholeheartedly believe in. I know mine is a lousy position and I wish our version of "democracy" allowed us to vote our beliefs. I sure as hell would like to make a stand right now. There are moments when I'm like, "Fuck it, let the country suck on four years of Donald's exhaust." But the possibility of a President Trump is too dangerous in almost every conceivable way and I want, no, NEED to believe in a President Hillary Clinton... for now.

In any other time, Jill Stein.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Trump's Cabinet of Miscreants

My predictions for what President Donald “Cthulhu’s-herald” Trump’s Cabinet will look like:
  • Vice President: Mike “women-who-miscarry-deserve-20-years-in-prison” Pence
  • Department of State: Secretary Newt “repeated-adulterer-with-much-younger-women” Gingrich
  • Department of the Treasury: Secretary Scott “mass-union-destroyer” Walker
  • Department of Defense: Former General Mike “this-guy-went-off-the-rails-over-night” Flynn
  • Department of Justice: Attorney General Chris “Cthuhlu's-herald's-gofer” Christie
  • Department of the Interior: Secretary Bobby “’You-mean-I’m-not-white?’” Jindal
  • Department of Agriculture: Secretary Joni “castrates-hogs-with-her-teeth” Ernst
  • Department of Commerce: Secretary Rick “insane-asylum” Santorum
  • Department of Labor: Secretary Carly “the-second-biggest-business-destroying-kaiju-in-this-administration” Fiorina
  • Department of Health and Human Services: Secretary Ben “self-lobotomized” Carson
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development: Secretary Paul “chipmunk-eater” LePage
  • Department of Transportation: Secretary Rand “the-second-worst-wig-in-this-administration” Paul
  • Department of Energy: Secretary George “Department-of-Impotence” Pataki
  • Department of Education: Secretary Michelle “education-denier” Bachmann
  • Department of Veterans Affairs: Secretary Sarah “drawer-of-broken-doorknobs” Palin
  • Department of Homeland Security: Secretary Joe “batshit-crazy-Sheriff-of-Maricopa-County-who-forced-male-inmates-to-wear-pink-panties” Arpaio
  • White House Chief of Staff: Lindsey “suicide-victim-during-first-press-conference” Graham
Don't worry, a President Donald Trump will not push the red nuclear button. He's not that kind of a guy. No, he'll head-butt it!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

First Day of Chili Season

Well, I'm not starting my chili pepper season with vomit inducing, panic attacking, and emergency room visiting taste tests because the many different radioactive isotopes I have growing just aren't ready yet. But these deceptive looking "ornamentals" are: The Aurora chili packs a nice little punch, but with very little flavor. It's about 5 times hotter than jalapeno and, obviously, pretty to look at. I like the idea of a purple sauce, but not sure it's worth making (-- flavor, believe it or not, is as necessary as heat). My Giant White habaneros will be ready soon followed by the Bird's Eye chilies which are the size of buckshot and almost as deadly. I have 20 varieties, mostly of the megadeath sort, growing this year... but today's pick lacked oomph!

Sunday, July 17, 2016


I hastily made this video,... but you'll get the gist.

To set the record straight: DONALD TRUMP IS NOT A NAZI! He is in no way trying to create common enemies of Mexicans, Muslims, and liberals like Hitler created national enemies of Jews, homosexuals, and Gypsies. Trump is not focusing on “higher ideals” and nationalistic slogans (like Hitler’s, “Make Germany Great Again!”). No, Trump cares very much about working class struggles because he truly, deeply understands our plight and doesn’t try to dodge our real concerns by blaming other peoples and countries like China. TRUMP IS NOT A NAZI! Cool?

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Shyster Has Chosen the Condemner

Polls are swinging in Trump’s favor, but I have yet to see the numbers in response to his choice for vice president. For the record, here’s a brief rundown of Mike Pence’s beliefs, all rooted in his warped version of Christianity:
*Violently anti-choice.
*Vehemently anti-LGBT.
*Believes that HIV is God’s scourge on the promiscuous.
*Pro prison rape.
*Believes the Constitution is an extension of the Bible (or ought to be).
*Promotes the deportation of undocumented children and the infirm.
*Pro walled border.
*Despairs low income families.
Clearly, more Antichrist than true Christian.
Game on!


Lest we forget, the Christian right platform would just as readily eliminate many of our human freedoms (and, subsequently, our lives) with their imposed laws and gun liberties. Almost all belief structures bend the wills of their followers toward some kind of hatred. Even Buddhism has its hideous examples. Abhorrent beliefs and acts are not beyond our understandings – they live with us outwardly and inwardly and unless you live alone in a hole in Wyoming, you know them, see them, experience them – but some of us experience them more vehemently than others. What happened in Nice is beyond horrendous; what happens in the U.S. of A. every day is beyond terrible. It’s what we know; it’s how we act; it’s what we worship; it’s humans acting like humans, full to the brim with their corrupted beliefs that they explode (literally) onto others… and they (humans with their faiths), unfortunately, happen to be everywhere.