Saturday, October 8, 2016

The King Scumbag

Trump accuses Mexicans of being rapists as he lustily talks about violating women? The King Scumbag of scumbags gets caught on tape for revealing his contempt despite the fact the we are repeatedly told that he has no regard for women and now you listen? Women came forward; women complained... and he continued to climb the polls (thanks, in large part, to white males). These brave women were dismissed as they often are; and now you're paying attention? And now he offers an "apology"? And tomorrow he debates Clinton? And Monday's polls hardly adjust to reflect what an awful human being he is? Haiti gets shit on again... The story of Jessica White's death: shielding her children from gunfire... Untold atrocities in Syria... And women spoke up... And thank the Deities in Heaven, women will vote.

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