Probably authored by Valentinus in the second
century, the non-canonical GOSPEL of TRUTH did not discuss Jesus Christ as a
figure; rather, it expressed that which moved through Christ and that which was revealed in us… Truth! Clearly a gnostic tract, this
GOSPEL was discovered in The Nag Hammadi Library in the mid 1940s.
In the
second to last translated paragraph, this…: “Say, then, from the heart that you
are the perfect day and in you dwells the light that does not fail. Speak of
the truth with those who search for it and (of) knowledge to those who have
committed sin in their error. Make firm the foot of those who have stumbled and
stretch out your hands to those who are ill. Feed those who are hungry and give
repose to those who are weary, and rise up those who wish to rise, and awaken
those who sleep. For you are the understanding that is drawn forth.”
This is Christianity in its earliest form.
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