Sunday, July 22, 2018

Liberals Lambasting Liberals

Words are speaking louder than actions... and this might be our undoing in 2020.

I’m wondering if the liberal backlash against liberals (some of which I’ve experienced in academia) is going to stall any momentum we’re gaining. Lefties like James Gunn (the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies), a person with a solid history of supporting humanistic goals and ideals, but undermined by his juvenile attempts at boundary-pushing via Twitter, was revealed by the far right media to be a lousy provocateur. He tweeted some really stupid shit a decade ago. Still, he has been fired (I know, boo hoo) along with many others who’ve said and tweeted some really stupid shit despite living and acting differently. Is this, in some twisted political maneuvering, validating the right’s view of the left? Easily offended Snowflakes all?! We need to chill the fuck out, look deeper, dance the mea culpa dance, and apologize when necessary because it’s getting ridiculous. Some on the left will start to move to the center or even, shudder, the right just for shelter. With the magnificent groundswell of young liberals storming (and saving!) the Democratic party, this might also be the time to forgive and fortify.

Let's go beyond Twitter and Facebook and embrace this tired cliché anew: Actions speak louder than words.

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