Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Two Hours Before Turning 47 and...

I’m starting to feel too old to be a question mark, but just about old enough to be an exclamation point… finally. I'm still young enough (or is it "old enough"?) to fight clichés (and often lose like I just did). My earlobes are droopy. My nose is longer and more visibly crooked. My eyebrows are thinning. [Just my eyebrows!] I almost have more grey hair than brown hair on my head. I have strange and floating white patches in my beard. My eyes are hooded (especially my right eye). I’m creaky in the morning. I’m creaky in the afternoon. I’m creaky at night. I’m creaky. I’m up to 1.75 magnifiers and I buy reading glasses by the ½ dozen because I lose or break a pair weekly. I’m starting to feel too old to wear my Bad Brains t-shirt but finally old enough to wear my Iron Maiden raglan. I like heavy metal more than ever… especially growling death metal like Dying Fetus, Decapitated, and Arch Enemy,… but I also like Abba and the Bee Gees more than ever. EVER! I go full Dancing Queen when Barry Gibb pours his disco on me. After 47 years, I’m finally comfortable in a comic book store and even more comfortable at a convention – this I can’t explain. I just now forgot the point of this post… but I’m still young enough to rack (or is it “wrack”?) my brain(s) and eventually remember.

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