Monday, September 23, 2024

Because she's a woman...

First thing this morning, I shared with Maria the recent New York Times polling suggesting that Trump is significantly leading in Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina. Flabbergasted, as usual, Maria said, "It's only because she's a woman. They're not listening to her!"

They complain that they don't know anything about Kamala; so, she tells us, repeatedly and passionately, her life story. And yet they STILL say they don't know who she is.

They complain that she doesn't detail her policies; yet, she employs actual, accurate numbers and directly addresses what her policies entail and how they will affect our lives. But then they say she only talks about her upbringing and avoids direct questions from journalists.

These are criticisms coming from the right AND left (read, The New York Times). There is something profoundly wrong with how we are treating the two candidates: One, a democracy-threatening demagogue; the other, a lifelong public servant. One, a 78-year-old, senile man with the comparative ego of Pinochet or Mussolini; the other, a 59-year-old woman with a sharp mind, an open heart, and a clear vision.

He scowls, drones, and jigs as if he were jerking two penises; she laughs, sings, and smoothly dances to the groove.

He's the deepest, darkest closet in American history.

She's an open book.

Compare their policies.

Compare their manners.

Compare their fortitudes.

Compare their experiences.

Compare their understandings.

Compare their brains!

But stop the false equivalencies because, frankly, the 5'4" woman will kick the 6'3" man's ass in every, single way.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

As if you didn't know...

"... for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

-- John 8:44

His hate-infused beguilement of many Christians is exactly the work of the "father of lies." From his extraordinary vanity to his heinous manner to his hate mongering speeches; from the stream of lies, sexual deviancies, and gross susceptibility to flattery: he is the absolute embodiment of everything Jesus Christ opposed.

He is, unto himself, the representation of every, single "deadly sin": pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.

He is, unto himself, the extreme opposite of what America represents.

Donald J. Trump IS the Anti-American!

Donald J. Trump IS the Antichrist!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Namby-Pamby New York Times

I don't need the New York Times and CNN to tell me what I want to hear -- I have MSNBC and NPR for that (and they can be predictable bores). Still, I feel like my once favorite source of information (the Times) and the formerly reliable stream of basic news (CNN) are going out of their ways to legitimize Trump and all the contemptuous "isms" attached to him. It has taken me longer than it should've to outwardly admit that "mainstream," centrist media seems hellbent on sabotaging Harris. I almost get the feeling that our "foundational" news outlets are preparing for Trump redux and his vitriolic, authoritarian plans by avoiding the corrosiveness of his extended, bloodthirsty gaze. Wimps! Simpering cowards!