Thursday, May 26, 2022


Here was the humble, spirited, little body of hope -- Naveah Bravo. 

And yet America, her home, imposes a ceaseless and complete plague of violence upon the promise of us, murders the best of us, destroys the youth of us, snuffs out the light of us, and steals the hope from us.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Our Fault

Breaking my silence on political matters to briefly vent:

Did NATO really think that sanctions would've stopped Vlad the Terrible from reuniting the Soviet "Union"? We're talking about Russians -- among the hardiest, hardest people on the planet. How fucking stupid is the West? From feckless preventative measures to pointless rhetoric about "diplomacy," I'm absolutely disgusted by the whole response to Putin.
Shame on us for letting this happen to the Ukraine. We are partly responsible for this tragedy.