Wednesday, July 8, 2020

How to Fly Away from the Cuckoo Games

I've been reading every goddamn plan I can find about restarting schools in the fall and they're all a mad mix of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Hunger Games -- The Cuckoo Games!
Instead, there's a better way to navigate the pandemic while keeping our children safe, engaged, and educated. It's not the ideal approach (considering our many parallel and tangential concerns), but there's a way to do this while also creating a parity across the many divides:
A new Chromebook (or other cheap but effective computer) for all 56 million students in America would cost about $11,144,000,000 (retail). According to the FCC, a National Broadband Plan could cost as little as $20,000,000,000. To put these numbers in a type of head spinning perspective, Jeff Bezos' net worth is $166,300,000,000 and the U.S. defense budget is $721,531,000,000 (for 2020) -- a nationwide network would be pittance in comparison. Think about the manufacturing jobs this country-wide endeavor would generate. Think about all the newly trained builders and technicians and... Think about the many opportunities universal WiFi would create for our children!
Nothing will replace the actual classroom; however, it's time for the Ol' U. S. of A. to meet the virtual needs of Gen Z. I'm not suggesting that this will be easy; but I am suggesting that there are ways forward.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Dear Trump-Supporting Christians:

How much more proof do you need? This "Son of Perdition" IS the Antichrist: Note the way you've been bent to believe his lies; the acceptance of his extreme narcissism over his absent humanism; the manner in which he has you convinced not to protect yourselves and/or your loved ones and/or your neighbors; the falseness of his religiosity which you justify because he's seemingly serving your political ideology; and the many traitorous acts that you'll defend before you even process this post.

Stop. Breathe. Re-read the New Testament, specifically 2 Thessalonians: "... with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved" (2:9-10‬). And for good measure, check in with Revelation: "(He) shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea" (20:7-8).

Being Christian and being conservative aren't excuses to support Soviet Agent Orange. You're being minion-ized by his gilded manner and gaudy message. Scratch the spray-tan surface and all is (and has been) revealed. The inevitable vitriol you'll be sending my way for pointing out this truth is proof of your being deceived.

Save yourselves before it's too late!

Reject him!

My sincerest best,