Saturday, June 20, 2020

Finally Found

113 days ago, our world stopped. What was happening around us was devastating; however, I held it together. Only 27 days ago the world stopped again, but at first I didn't know it. Days later as the bravest among us took to the streets, a seismic event rattled our nation, our world. It was, it IS, outstandingly awesome (in the truest sense). Still, I held it together. 10 hours ago my daughter remotely graduated from high school and, somehow, I held it together. It's 3:07 am, NYC. Awake, as usual, I just finished watching Dave Chapelle's new short Netflix special on YouTube; and after his concise, meaningful performance, there's a video montage of all the world-movers hammering the foundations. At 27:18, right at the end of the video, there's an excerpt of a young woman earnestly, forcefully, desperately conveying some elemental truths to a blue line of hulking officers. I have no idea what she said and yet I know exactly what she IS saying. About 10 minutes ago I finally wept. Somehow, in all the images raining on these COVID days, I missed her. But holy shit, she just found me! Whoever this small dam-breaker is, she's mightier than mighty... and I am so thankful to and for her.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

A Ray of Text and Color

A box arrived from Forbidden Planet today. 

It has been over three months since Aleda and I read a new comic and, because of this imposed gap, we've been combing through our boxes (and boxes) of back issues. Treasures abound and we have more than enough books to last several lifetimes of compulsive perusing. But new comics bring renewed hope.

Still, several things are now absolutely clear to me:
  1. Yes, I'm a month away from turning 50 and I still read comic books (all kinds) with the fervor of a 13-year-old.
  2. My 18-year-old daughter has yet to "outgrow" the obsession proving that she's definitely a lifer. 
  3. Something seemingly trivial -- a stapled collection of illustrations and words -- can bring a sense of normalcy to these outstandingly tumultuous times.
  4. And when my last day arrives, I will likely have one of these four-color collections of glorious imagination in my cold hands.
'Nuff said.

Monday, June 1, 2020

The Importance of Screaming and Staying Safe

While people are sacrificing themselves for the sake of social justice, the Morbid Orange Mass hunkers in his bunker tweeting, "FAKE NEWS!" The bull shit blasting out of his puckered punch hole and tiny, pudgy digits is the disgusting display of a dirtbag desperately trying to undermine democracy. Just now he tweeted, "NOVEMBER 3rd," and just now this face plant of a president reminded us why we need to be so present and so vocal. I see the peaceful protesters as the outright heroes of our era; I only pray that they stay as safe as possible so that they can vote on "NOVEMBER 3rd" -- the value of their voices will also be in the ballots.