Sunday, March 22, 2020

Fretting and Sore-Throating

New creative writers often develop fanciful stories that are reduced to dreams in the end... like in a Nathanial Hawthorne piece. In other words, their protagonists finally "Wake up!" and their plots are boiled down to tricks of fantasy. I often try to break them of this convention... but now I'm begging for it. When I wake tomorrow morning, please, please, please let this be some whacked anxiety dream fashioned by one of my Intro. to Creative Writing students!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Great Denier

President Harry S. Truman had a large sign on his Oval Office desk that announced to the world, “The Buck Stops Here.”

67 years later, 45’s chalky, puckered mouth declared the opposite: “I don’t take responsibility at all.” His incompetency is now proving deadly. Sure, the Coronavirus isn’t his fault, but how poorly America mismanaged a response to this crisis is. This panic is a result of his grossly misguided policies and vile personality: Cuts to the CDC; lagging distribution of testing; no senior administration official devoted to world health and the elimination of a White House office devoted to pandemics; denial of COVID-19’s severity; the incessant, ego-driven lying to save his orange face; and the constant blaming of others. Instead, as we navigate this insanity, we are inundated by the repetition of 45’s motto, “Not My Fault!”

Fuck him!

Despite the Vulgarian-in-Chief, we got this. Right?

Truman also said, “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” Hear, hear!